Instagrafic Prints, a detachable photo album

Instagrafic Prints is made for being unglued and to use its picture to decorate, as a gift, to show off your holidays or to make someone special smile.

All you need is in the App Instagrafic

Choose your best pictures from your smartphone, and from your Instagram and Facebook accounts; you can select 12, 24, or 36 photos for your Instagrafic Prints. Pick a background colour and your Instagrafic is ready to be printed!

  • 14,5 eur 12 photos Album

  • 16,5 eur 24 photos Album

  • 18,5 eur 36 photos Album

Free delivery, payment could be done through credit card, Paypal or bank transfer.

  • Stick the pictures out of the album to use them as you want.

  • Its comfy format lets you keep the pictures you don’t want to use, just yet.

  • Every album is individually glued together and set up in our studio.

  • Make the most out of your prints and use them to embellish your room. Or maybe as a gift for someone special.

  • Eco-friendly recycled cardboard packaging with a base to use as a frame.

  • Free worldwide standard shipping*.

    * And, if time rushes, you have optional Express shipping (the application will tell you the estimated delivery time, always from 2 days after manufacturing).


Create your album!

Don’t turn your back on those pictures you took on a whim, with your smartphone. Sometimes, they hide the best stories. Get them back and treat them the way they deserve. You just need to download the app from Apple Store or Google Play.